Just a Note from the Pastor

When Burdens Weigh Us Down, Psalm 37:5-7

When we are overburdened, the world seems a colder place. The sun may be shining, but our heads are bowed low, so we don’t notice. The birds sing, but our ears are filled with the cries of our hearts—-exclamations of pain, sorrow and weariness. We put distance between us and others as our problems absorb our time and attention. Perhaps we are weighed down by unmet expectations, sudden trauma or death, or simply too much responsibility. Another possibility is that sin is causing our heaviness of heart. Whatever the cause, however, the result is the same: We are burdened by a crushing weight.

Into our bleakness comes the voice of almighty God inviting us to draw near and find rest in Him.

“Thus says the Lord, ‘Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls…'” (Jer. 6:16 NASB).

Won’t you look up to your heavenly Father right now? Jesus offers living water; take time to drink until your soul is strengthened enough for you to ask the way. With the Spirit’s help, take one step, then another down that ancient path of obedience, and He will give you the promised peace.

Jeremiah 6:16 ends with God pointing out the Israelites’ response: “But they said, ‘we will not walk in it.'” It is only when we trust in the Father’s plan that we will find relief from our burdens. Let us stand, look, ask, and walk so that we might find the rest which the Lord has promised for our souls.

Till He Comes…

Bro. Johnny, Phil. 1:6

Just a thought from the Pastor…

What’s the matter with Mrs. Craig?

The following news item appeared in the Nashville Banner, June 19, 1956:

Porter Oklahoma (AP)…Mrs. Ella Craig, age 81, hasn’t missed a Sunday School session in 1,040 Sundays, a perfect 20 years.

  1. Doesn’t Mrs. Craig ever have company on Sunday to keep her away from church?
  2. Doesn’t Mrs. Craig ever go anywhere on Saturday night and get up tired Sunday morning?
  3. Doesn’t she ever have headaches, colds, nervous spells, tired feelings, sudden calls out of town, business trips, Sunday picnics, or any trouble of any kind?
  4. Doesn’t she have any friends at all, friends who invite her for weekend trips to the seashore or mountains?
  5. Doesn’t she ever sleep late on Sunday morning?
  6. Doesn’t it ever rain or snow on Sunday morning?
  7. Doesn’t she ever get her feelings hurt by somebody in the church?
  8. Doesn’t she ever get mad at the preacher or Sunday School teacher?
  9. Doesn’t she have a radio or television so she can listen to “some mighty good sermons” from out of town?

What’s the matter with Mrs. Craig?

“Moreover it is required in stewards [all Christians] that a man be found faithful.” 1 Corinthians 4:2